
Dec 31, 2014

Wedding Day!

It was a beautiful, glorious day!!

Beauty and The Beast were married at 9:00 this morning in the Salt Lake Temple. They were so happy! When I hugged him right after they were sealed for time and all eternity, his entire body was trembling. It reminded me of when he was a boy and he was headed off to the championship football game. All the adrenaline, all the preparation was for that one time moment in time. And now they are married.

The reception was fun and exhausting. Everything worked out as we had planned with a few minor hiccups. We misplaced the servers' aprons and forgot the sound system. One of the cute little girls tripped and a tray of cookies hit the floor, but nothing major.

My awesome brother-in-law and sister presented us with pictures on a flash drive, but I'm too tired to look through them for you. I will post again after I recover a little with some of his that I'm sure are much better than these cell pics of mine.

A few of my beautiful girls.

It was definitely a good day. :)

Curly slept on the stairs through most of the reception!
Tossing the bouquet. Prima Donna was the winner.


  1. Oh! Happy Day!!! Beauty and the Beast look so happy!! Poor Curly looked exhausted!

    Bet it feels great to have this event over! Congratulations!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Congratulations to the happy couple in the temple no less sealed for time and eternity..If only others could join you church & have this ceremony to look forward to..Your son and daughter in law look great, sweet, humble, pure and happy because of your parenting for your son and her parents for her..May God give them many years on this earth to enjoy life's precious marriage! Also to you for you & your husbands many years of faith, faithfulness, love and discipline and love towards each other your faith and your lovely & wonderful & talented children..ciao!XXX()()()

  3. It all looks so lovey. What a beautiful and happy couple they are.
    Congratulations to them and to you all. I know that you enjoyed all the precious moments of this wonderful event.
