
Dec 29, 2014

Almost Ready

We spent most of the day at the church setting up for the reception. Except for the time I spent at Hobby Lobby buying last minute stuff for the wedding cake (and a bunch of Christmas things on clearance at 80% off!).

I don't want to give away everything since I fully plan to give you a bunch of pictures of the happy couple tomorrow, but here is a sneak preview of what we have prepared for the reception. Honestly, I can't take much credit. Beauty planned the decorations and executed them beautifully. The backdrop is courtesy of my dear friend, Phyllis and her husband. And Beauty's dad, Aunt Shelley, and her cousin were driving forces behind getting things done. We also recruited our friends, Hunter and Daylen to run up and down the ladders which made it much easier on us old people.

As you can see, it is beautiful!

Now I need to get to bed. I have to be up before the crack of dawn. My sweetie says with the weather we will have to leave by about 6:30 AM for the temple.

I can't believe this day is almost here! My second child to be married and he is so happy.

So am I.


  1. I love what you did to the ceiling! It amazes me how much a church gym can be transformed! Can't wait to see more pictures later! Hope the sealing was wonderful!

  2. How exciting!

    I haven't visited in a while so I had to scroll back to even see who The Beast was! Ha

    Truthfully, your life is so far removed from mine with your kids, missions and religion but it is so interesting to see what you and your family are up to all the time.

    Congrats to Beauty and The Beast

  3. It was beautiful! Everything turned out least what I saw! Great job! We are so happy for Beauty & the Beast!

  4. Oh the decorations looks so lovely;just perfect.
    Blessings for you all!
