
Dec 24, 2014

Ready for Christmas?

Sorry I didn't take the time to write a post last night. After our fantastic evening at the temple with Bossy and Gamer we stopped by for a bite to eat and then I started wrapping gifts. It was pushing 3:00 AM by the time I turned off the lights and I just didn't have the energy to come back downstairs and fill you in on everything.

The bunkbeds I ordered for the girls arrived yesterday but the box had been damaged and things were broken inside. I called the company and they issued a credit for $175 if my sweetie agreed to make the repairs rather than ship things back and start over. Since they were not structurally damaged, he took care of things and they are nearly ready for the girls to use.

We are moving kids to different rooms and putting Baby Doll in with the big kids for the first time. She is a little stressed about that, but excited too. Drama Queen is officially home and we are finding a place for her as well. So much fun!!

I love having my kids around me. For the next few months we will have 10 of them at home. That hasn't happened for a while.

But you wanted to hear about our Christmas plans, didn't you?

Today is a home day. We will wrap gifts and cook pizza, play games and maybe watch a sappy Christmas movie. The girls will continue to rearrange so they all have a place. I have set wedding plans aside for a day or two so I can concentrate on Christmas and I fully plan to enjoy the holiday.

I want to share with you a gift. I love this video and when the hustle and bustle starts to get to me, I try to remember the real meaning of why we celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. I do hope you are enjoying every precious moment of your Christmas celebration. I can't imagine getting prepared for Christmas morning with all of your children. You are amazing!!
    I have enjoyed that video myself.
