
Dec 23, 2014

Guest Blog: Happy Day by Teach

Tomorrow is a culmination of happy events.Bossy and Gamer will have the chance to experience the blessings of the temple in preparation for being sealed as a family at the first of the year. I am so grateful for the blessings of the temple in my life. God gave us this Holy House that we may find peace and solace from the outside world. God has granted us power to withstand the temptations of Satan. In the temple we learn more of Jesus Christ and God's great plan for our future. Bossy and Gamer are entering an exciting phase of life. This is a game changer. (:

I asked Teach to write this post because she is the one who did the fabulous job on the pics! Such exciting things happening in our lives. I'm so happy that Bossy and Gamer have decided to be sealed as a forever family. I'm hoping that someday all of my children will make that choice.

On to other things...
We delivered friend gifts and neighbor gifts tonight. Things are coming together. My 6th grade class party went well (I was too busy to take pics for you!), and it's just one more thing I can check off my incredibly long to-do list.

I'm looking forward to spending several hours in the temple tomorrow and just slowing things down a bit. I started wrapping in earnest today and one thing my sweetie and I are giving the girls is arriving tomorrow and it is too big to hide.

I will show you some pics tomorrow. Hope all your holiday plans are coming together too.


  1. I am so happy to hear about your family sealing; awesome. Enjoy the moments on this one.
    Merry Christmas to you all and Blessing for the New Year.
    Love and hugs~!
