
Nov 4, 2014

Little Red Riding Hood

I know Halloween is over, but I've been waiting on the Gym Rat to send me his promised picture. So about a month ago, he asked me to make a Little Red Riding Hood costume because he and his girl wanted to be Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf. Only he wanted the Little Red costume for his 6'6" frame and all 5'3" of her was planning to go as the big bad wolf.

I put if off, of course, until the last possible second since my life is so crazy and I made the costume the night before his Halloween party. When I finished it, it was nearly 4:00 AM the same night we did the Go For the Gold program for the Girl Scout Community. I was tired and a bit punchy.

That's when I decided that with all my hard work, I was going to wear the costume in the morning to the Costume Contest at the city. My sweetie snapped this pic of me on my way out the door. I didn't win anything, but the basket came in handy for the kids who were trick-or-treating.

They also had a pie-eating contest that Burrito won, so I'm throwing in a pic of that too. Sadly, the only thing missing is my long-awaited pic of the Gym Rat and his girl. Maybe he will read this post and feel guilty...

One thing moms are really good at is the guilt-trip.


  1. Oh, I love you in that costume. To win the pie eating contest is a great bonus for the trip.
    What an amazing Mom you are and yes Mom's do know how to guilt trip at least that is what my children tell me.
