
Nov 3, 2014

Leave the Porch Light On

Did I tell you the Gym Rat has a girlfriend? She is so cute! We are hoping it will turn into more than just a romance...

He has been working hard to make his house into a home for two. Not that they are announcing anything, mind you, but I have to tell you they are so made for each other.

My sweetie went over a few days ago to help them install a new porch light. He was pleased to report that the Gym Rat had cleaned up his entire yard and flowerbeds and was busy getting it ready for winter.

He was hoping to get some Trick-or-Treaters since he had a new light, but sadly, only 4 kids rang the bell. Maybe next year.

Hopefully by October of 2015 they will have solidified their relationship and he can put her name on the mailbox too.


  1. My goodness sakes of the Lord, everyone needs to feel loved and wanted..God sent this lovely lady to your son for a reason..Hopefully he will and she will be united in the Lord and your church too, I am praying hard for the miracle to happen..

  2. I just wander what Gym Rat's girlfriend's blog name should be. I was thinking Gym Mouse, but if that's not enough or not nice either, then you can come up with something.

  3. I do think that this goes further. I think it is awesome he is taking care of his place. You train your children well.
    By the way check out my blog if you get a moment. I reviewed a book entitled: "Family Talk" I wish i would have had this book when raising my children. It is excellent.
    Blessings to all!

  4. Aw, how sweet! That's great that he found someone so good for him!
