
Oct 1, 2014

Activity Days Activities

Baby Dolls loves to join us!
I'm really liking working with my Activity Days girls. They range in age from about 8 - 11 and for this last activity we had about 10 girls there. We met in the church gym and my amazing Princess taught them a dance class.

In just a little over an hour she taught them a bunch of different moves, stretches, and even a little routine. She is such a pro!

I wanted to share the little video I made with you, but my phone insisted on resizing it. I think the girls really loved this activity. Last month we taught them to make apricot jam and to play volleyball.

I'm excited for October because we are planning a little basketball! I will let you know how it goes. So far these girls have been up for just about anything.

I wonder if they would like it if I taught them to weed my garden?!


  1. If you made weeding into a contest, and had a treat at the end they just may like it! When I did Activity Days my girls wanted to clean my kitchen...

  2. Being the activity day leader a couple of times through the years was one of my favorite calling. I love your ideas. Blessings for all of you!
