
Sep 30, 2014

Happiness and Rainbows

Last night my little crew was playing with a whiteboard they carted off from someone's bedroom. I was working on some paperwork and they were drawing together with an occasional giggle. Then Scout came over to show me the picture. "It's our rainbow dancers!" she declared. Then she pointed, "There's me and there's Baby Doll." I frowned. "Where's Curly?" I asked.

She headed back to finish it. Two minutes later they came back to show me the picture. "You can put it on the blog!" says Baby Doll. So here I am, telling you all about their cute picture and sharing it with you.

We were also out and about today in the rain and were pretty stunned to see this full bow rainbow so I snapped a pic for you. There is actually a second smaller bow beside it.

So yeah, my week is full of happiness and rainbows. How about yours?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, hug those artists of your; the picture is adorable. I loved the rainbow picture.
