
Sep 27, 2014

Service Sleepover

You all know that Princess turned 18 on Wednesday, but did you know that Crafty will turn 14 on Sunday? So for the first time ever, they decided to have a shared birthday party! It was Princess's idea. When I asked her what she wanted to do to celebrate her transition into adulthood, she said service.

Princess is all about service and it's so good for her. So we kicked around some ideas and decided that it would be fun to invite all of her friends and all of Crafty's friends for a sleepover. As an activity, they could make fleece blankets for the huge service project going on tomorrow at the church.

I don't think I was really prepared to have more than 20 cute teenage girls here to celebrate the collective birthdays.! First they made homemade pizzas and then they decorated cupcakes. Princess is still working on the last of the blankets while the other girls are watching a movie or sleeping. We ultimately only had about half a dozen girls decide to stay over. But most of them are having fun except for poor Fajita who is not feeling well. Maybe she caught what Teach had yesterday.

If that's the case, I definitely don't want this bug, even if it means a day off!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun birthday idea; I loved it. However, that being said; handling all those girls had to be interesting. I love all the fun ideas you children and you come up with.
    Blessings to your girls for doing this for their birthdays.
    Blessings and hugs for them!
