
Sep 17, 2014

Not Worth It

Last night I told Baby Doll she had to eat a bowl of cereal because she wouldn't be able to eat after midnight. It wasn't long before reality dawned on her. With tears glistening in her brown eyes, she asked, "Why can't I eat, Mom?" The same thing came up two weeks ago and for exactly the same reason.

The dentist.

My sweet girl has had some real issues with her teeth. Two weeks ago she got a shiny silver crown and several other fillings. Today was supposed to be much easier with just two small cavities to fill on the other side of her mouth.

The process was the same, she still had to drink that medicine that made her a little loopy and unable to stand up straight. Then she sat in the big chair and watched Frozen. She was a real trooper through the whole thing and when it was over, the dentist confessed to me that the one filling was much deeper than he had expected it to be.

She got to choose 3 prizes and all of them were cute little rings like this one. She loves them, but I'm thinking they are just not worth it...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my give that sweet one a hug from me. The picture is so adorable and I feel so sad that she has to go through the dentist thing. I don't like the dentist at all.
    Blessings and hugs for her!
