
Sep 16, 2014

Guest Blog: CES Devotional Choir by Elder Dog Walker

I know that I should always talk about my mission, but I've been asked to talk about an amazing thing that's ever happened to me in my life, and of course, Sister Teach's life. She and I got to be in a combined Institute Choir for the CES Devotional with Elder D. Todd Christofferson. It was broadcasted throughout the world for everyone to see and hear Elder Christofferson and the choir.

For the past three weeks, Sister Teach and I went to rehearsal to make sure that we were all set with the other members to sing two of the best hymns from the hymnbook Be Still My Soul and God Be With You Till We Meet Again. She sang Soprano while I sang Bass.

After we sang the first song, Elder Christofferson got to give his talk about service and how we help everyone in the world to feel more faithful and to know that it's true. I wanted to embed the devotional from, but they didn't have a link that said embed, so I could just link it to you and you can watch it whenever you have the time. It was a great talk and to watch out for me and Sister Teach being in the choir. Teach is on the back row and I'm in the middle.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is so awesome that you were able to be in the choir; what a choice moment. Thanks also for the link; I will want to listen to this one.
    Blessings for you two!
