
Jul 6, 2014

Letters from Teach in Texas

Did I ever tell you that Sister Teach has the most amazing mission president and mission mom ever?! They truly are a blessing for her after the tough love from her first ones. Listen to their advice for the 4th.

So coolest thing ever. We are going to be in a parade tomorrow!!! (: (: Isn't that soo great! We are doing a family history float. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures. (: I'm soooo excited. President Ames said, "Yes, this is a good idea, but if we are going to do this we are going to do it right. Make sure the float is classy and you throw lots of candy." (:

They are just so worried about these devoted missionaries! She had her personal interview with him this week and... well, I'll let her tell you.

Also, I had interviews with President Ames last week and he said if I need to do anything online for school I have permission to do so. Is there anything I need to take care of? 

And when she expressed concerns over some eye trouble, I simply emailed Sister Ames and got this.
Thank you so much for letting me know this! She was going to get back with me after she checked with you about where she needs to go with the insurance she has (missionary medical doesn't cover dental or vision) and I haven't heard back from her but I am all over it! I'm thinking the area Dr may have told her the same thing, to note if any change but I will refer to my notes- nevertheless she will be checked out first thing Monday-

It's so wonderful to know that they love her and are concerned about her well-being just like we are. Time continues to fly by. Just a heads-up for nearby family and friends, her homecoming address will be on August 24 @ 1:00. You all know where our church is, but if you need a reminder on the address, please email me.

Thank you everyone for being so supportive of
Teach while she has served her mission! Don't worry, I will keep you updated over these next few weeks as her time winds rapidly down. August is just so close!


  1. What wonderful mission presidents! I hope she got lots of pictures from her parade! We had a parade in our little town and the other ward in the town was in it, pulling handcarts and pushing their kids in strollers. We would've LOVED to see the missionaries in a parade!

    Can't believe her Homecoming is already scheduled. It doesn't seem like it's been that long since she left (but I'm sure it feels like it to you!)!

  2. Soon your God loving and LDS loving will be home in your arms and your hubs too..What a shining example of her love of the Lord and the LDS faith, she is doubly blessed, her graduate school studies will zoom by and the Lord will send her a wonderful mate, it will happen, I have seen it many times. If only other families could be as sweet and loving of God and their faith LDS our country would not have the many problems of teenagers and young people on drugs, alcohol and now marijuana in our state Washington I did not vote for that at all..If only young people could have wonderful mothers such as you Sandy and wonderful dads such as your husband they could grow up into wonderful young people with a purpose and love of the Lord. God's Blessings and enjoy your vacation too!

  3. I always love the missionary post. I am so excited for you all to have her home.
    I loved being the nurse for the Spokane Washington mission so I know how much those mission president and wives want to take good care of their missionaries.
    Blessings for you all as you prepare for her home coming.
