
Jul 5, 2014

Fun on the 4th

We had a very different kind of 4th this year. In fact at one point the Drama Queen was lying on the couch lamenting, "It's the 4th of July! Aren't we going to do anything fun?" She made these super cute skirts for herself and Bossy and she was all dressed up with nowhere to go!

The problem was Friday.

Friday is the day all the major assignments are due for Princess, Prima Donna, and the Dog Walker's college classes. So the three of them spent a bunch of time doing homework. Princess and Prima Donna also marched in three parades with SLCC's marching band. They were pretty tired by the end of the day!

We attended the final parade in Sandy. It was short and their instructor told them the wrong time so when we got there at 6:15 for the 6:30 parade it had already started! Fortunately we didn't miss them. They were supposed to be #6 but got bumped to #26 for the same reason.

After the parade we drove home and my sweetie made us an amazing steak dinner with creamed peas and potatoes (the last of the fresh peas from our garden) and homemade grill bread. I supported the Dog Walker through a paper he has been working on for about 3 or 4 days. It was a difficult one for him, but he finally pulled it together and got an A on it.

After dinner we headed for Bossy and Gamer's house to do fireworks. They had made homemade root beer and a bunch of their neighbors were also joining the show. We lit off fireworks for about an hour, ate licorice and popsicles. It was fun!

Then it was back home for more homework. Since we are getting ready for vacation and leaving our students home, they all wanted editing and advice before we go. The Drama Queen is planning to keep them all on track and hold things together while we explore Yellowstone and Montana next week with the 5 youngest kids.

This is the first time we haven't had the majority of the family with us when we have headed for a vacation destination. It's going to be so strange! Crafty will be the oldest child with us. That will probably be a super experience for her since she has never been in that position.

I need to sleep now. There is so much packing and planning to do tomorrow and we have to get up early for my nephew's baptism.

I did have the Drama Queen take a pic of the band at the parade, but she has been asleep for hours and it is locked in her phone. I will try to remember to put it up for you tomorrow. 

Hope you all had a safe and happy 4th!


  1. Wow! I can't wait to see pictures from your trip to Yellowstone! Have so much fun!

  2. I still don't know how you do it all. I do hope you got some rest. I will look forward to your posts on the vacation.
    Blessings and safe travel for you all!
