
Jun 4, 2014

Zip Line Park

Fajita located a new park with her Young Women group and this past weekend we decided to check it out. It was everything she said it would be! It's only downfall appeared to be that it is relatively new and has almost no shade or pavilion.

When I heard it actually had a zip line, I assumed it would have lines out the door. Fortunately, I was wrong. There were never more than half a dozen kids in line the entire time we were there. Probably because it was arguably not the best attraction at the park.

When we first got there, the Dog Walker climbed on this contraption. I had never seen anything like it. It was slightly curved and on a bearing so when he climbed on, it seemed to spin at will. He was a little upset that he couldn't seem to control it, but that didn't stop him from trying it several more times. I was so fascinated by the theory that I climbed on it too. At first I thought the girls had spun me around until I realized the only way to control it was to move my center of gravity. I was finally able to get it to spin faster or slower. Then my sweetie had a turn. His engineering mind immediately established theories and reasons for its behavior. The kids just thought it was fun.

Then I wandered over to the zip line so I could snap a few pics for you. I was pretty nervous when they put Baby Doll on it all by herself! But she held on tight and giggled all the way down. Drama Queen was there at the bottom to make sure she didn't bump too hard and land on her head.

The Dog Walker stood at the top and helped the little ones climb on. They loved it! Since there weren't any age or weight restrictions, I finally convinced the Dog Walker to get on it. He bounced more than the others and about halfway down his butt actually dragged through the sand, but that made us all laugh hysterically, even him. Then another family came along and we yielded our spots and moved to the slides.

The entire playground was so well made! There was a water area, but we avoided it this time because we were only going to be there for a short time. The little ones loved the slide where they could climb the steps the long way or grab the ropes and get up there quickly.

There was also a huge dish-shaped sandbox that spun around. Prima Donna kept trying to get everyone to push her and get it spinning.

We need to get back there when we have more time so the kids can try out everything, but Fajita was absolutely correct, it was an amazing park!


  1. Where is this awesome park? It looks like something we'd love.

  2. Wow whee but one would need tons of sp30 for sunscreen to enjoy it maybe you could go very early or in the evening not to get sunburned...?

  3. That looks like an AMAZING park! I need to find fun parks down here.... Emma went down a slide for the first time a few weeks ago and LOVED it!

  4. Everything looks really fun! Especially that slide!
