
Jun 5, 2014

Blast from the Past - Jr. Jazz (2008)

I've coached Jr. Jazz basketball teams many times over the years. My oldest kids didn't start in kindergarten like my little ones do now. I'm not sure if we were clueless or they were, but I'm pretty sure our very first basketball team was the Gym Rat when he was in Cub Scouts or about 1995 or 1996. We had enough 3rd grade boys that year in our neighborhood to field an entire team of 10 players! We don't have nearly that many kids here now.

Bossy played that year too on a championship team. She rode the bench a lot, but she learned so much it was worth it. By the time Drama Queen was in 4th grade, I started coaching the girls. I've told you about that season before. Teach played with us as a 2nd grader and the girls had an undefeated season, winning the County Tournament.

That was a charmed season and one that I've never been able to repeat. But that doesn't mean all these teams weren't amazing. One of my favorites teams was this one in 2007 - 2008. Princess was #3 and in 4th grade and Prima Donna (#44) was in 3rd. They always loved playing together and they fed off each others enthusiasm.

coaching from the bench with Prima Donna

Princess was a fast runner, but very lady-like while Prima Donna played an amazing defense, and always they took care of each other. It was a fun team with many of their friends and neighborhood kids. Third/fourth graders are still so teachable and they believe everything I say. Well, most of them do. I remember one particular girl on this team who would have preferred to be the coach since she liked to tell everyone else what to do. That doesn't last long because they hate to sit until they can do what they are told. (I have to admit to watching Hoosiers more than once! Love that movie!)

No, that year we didn't win all of our games, but I did instill in Princess a little love for basketball because she still plays with me now. And Prima Donna can still hit a foul shot about 25% of the time (wish I could make 1 in 4).

Game over
When I look at these pictures I can hardly believe how much they have grown although in some ways they are still just those two cute little girls, learning new skills and hoping their team will always win.

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