
Jun 28, 2014

Let Freedom Sing!

I know I talk about Scouts all the time, but I just have to share this one with you. Prima Donna has been working on her Gold Award project for about 6 months now. She wrote a musical (including all the music) and rounded up a bunch of kids.

We have been having rehearsals at the library for the past two weeks and now we are finally ready for the show! We have a dress rehearsal in the morning and we have been making scenery and props for the last couple of days. It was an interesting thing to do on her birthday yesterday! Did I tell you she turned 16 and had her very first date today? Maybe I can get her to tell you that story in a day or two, when we can breathe again.

There is still so much to do! She needs to make a program and we have to put the hinges on the backs of the scenery after we get them to the church and set them up on the stage. We made 20 or so little muskets out of pvc and electrical tape. I'll post some pics of all that tomorrow with scenes from the actual play.

Drama Queen and I made about 30 tri-corn hats out of paper.

Her songs are just so cute! If you live close by, come to our stake center Saturday night at 7:00 and enjoy her little show. It should only be about half an hour or 45 minutes and the kids are so cute!

I should know, a bunch of them are mine.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is quite the undertaking. What a talented young lady she must be. Doing something like this is a great feat for a 16 year old. I do hope she will share her experience with this and her date.
    Blessings and hugs for her!
