
Jun 29, 2014

Guest Blog: Let Freedom Sing by Prima Donna Updated

I was going to write a new post for you, really I was, but then Princess added all these amazing pics from Prima Donna's show (thanks, Bossy!) so I decided to leave this one up for one more day so you could stop back and see them.

I wanted to give you a few more details on the show. Prima Donna wrote 5 original songs with one being a rap and one was a patriotic medley of songs she borrowed like "You're a Grand Old Flag and America the Beautiful." All in the public domain, of course.

But my favorites were the ones she wrote. Gamer filmed the entire show. If I can figure out how to cut a song for you, I will and post it later in the week. This first pic is the final scene with Prima Donna playing the part of Betsy Ross. The second one shows the patriots taking the Declaration to King George. The next one has Ben Franklin with the kite (Curly) talking with George Washington and convincing him to be in charge of the army. After that is the writing of the Declaration with Sport playing the part of John Adams. Then right after that are Sport and Crafty as John and Abigail Adams.

The Drama Queen played the part of Grandma and she sat on the stage during the entire show. She was the old version of Betsy. The last pic shows the finale again with them all spread out.  Look for the grandkids and Baby Doll and Scout.

We had about 75 people in our audience so there was plenty of clapping going on. Such a fun (and exhausting!) project! I wish you could have all been there!


 My Gold Award is finally over!  For the last two weeks I have devoted my life to this project.  I wrote a musical for the 4th of July and let kids participate.  It was lots of fun!

 The kids did a great job.  The last couple of days have been hectic getting ready for tonight.  We spent all of last night making sets and getting props together.

Finally the day came.  This morning was dress rehearsal and we were all surprised when Dad came in with head mics for the leads!  We were so surprised and so thankful!

Today was spent getting last minute things together.  Finally it was time for the performance.

 All of my actors did so well and there were only a few mistakes.  I was so proud.  I don't know if I am relieved or sad that it is over.

 I loved this experience but it was lots of work.   I'm glad I can move on with my life now.  It was a great way to kick off the 4th of July.


  1. Way to go! I was hoping we would hear how it went! I'm sure it is a relief to have something so big over with, but you must feel a big sense of accomplishment for doing it!

  2. Wow, that is an awesome achievement. I can just imagine how happy you were to watch it all come together. I loved the pictures and I would say you are one very talented young women.
    Blessings and hugs for this one!
