
Jun 18, 2014

Guest Blogger: Belated Story of the Actual Choirside by Elder Dog Walker

Okay, everybody. I know that it's been a few months, but I did promise that I would tell you all about the Choirside that happened in March. It was really great to perform in front of an audience in the chapel at the Salt Lake City Granite Stake Center. What happened that time was when I was riding with my family down to the Granite Stake Center and we parked there and I got out to find the managers and missionaries from Kauri Sue Hamilton to do our last rehearsal of our lines for reading the lines of the Redeemer of Israel Hymn.

Before we ever did our performance there were a whole bunch of Special Need students that did their parts of the meeting before it was our turn to perform. Like some of the kids were singing other good hymns and then doing a lecture on the projector screen that helped everyone in the audience, including the special need kids to understand and know that the Church is true and that some things in our world can be related to what we are learning daily in a life.  

Anyway, right when the speaker was done with his lecture and testimony, it was now our turn to perform our narration on Redeemer of Israel. I was asked to narrate the 4th verse of that hymn and right when the missionaries and I were narrating the first four hymns, it made us feel like that we were doing such a great job to narrate and let everyone in the audience to think it's amazing to hear something be narrated rather than just be sung. Then right after I narrated the four verse, we all started to sing the last two verses of Redeemer of Israel. When the meeting was over and he closing prayer was said, we went to the gym where they had refreshments of a cup of water and a variety of cookies. The Choirside was a great opportunity to attend in that month and I've been remembering for a while and I still want to remember it for the rest of my life.
Anyway, I just wanted to point out a quick thing that happened just recently on my mission. The summer classes at Hartvigsen have started and I finally get to serve my mission in the summer and I'm still hopping to help serve at another seminary that has summer classes. I hope you all have been praying for me. It's totally great to be a missionary, and a missionary should keep a promise like telling the actual story about the Choirside. I hope you enjoyed. :)

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