
Jun 19, 2014

Blast from the Past - Primary Program 2006

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, every year the Primary kids do a program in Sacrament meeting. Usually the kids will all sing songs together and everyone will have a short speaking part, but in 2006, my cute little girls (Crafty, Princess, and Prima Donna) were asked to sing together as a trio.

I couldn't remember the name of the song, but when I asked the girls, they knew. It was "My Testimony Grows." This was a huge deal for them because they were singing in front of about 300 people and all by themselves. Even Grandma came up to share in the excitement!

My sweetie wanted them to look like sisters, so he bought them all matching dresses. They did a fabulous job, of course!

We took some other pictures that day and I really wanted to share them with you too. This first one is my sweetie holding two sleeping babies. The little red-headed girl is Scout and the shirt-less boy is Taco. They were so close in size then even though Scout was nearly a year old and Taco was almost 2. Bossy struggled to get him to gain much weight that first couple of years and in this picture, they look almost like twins.

This is a picture of me trying to blow all that beautiful auburn hair out of Scout's eyes. Her bangs always did grow incredibly fast!

And I couldn't resist this cute pic of Sport. He had just gotten his first pair of glasses and they were a bit big on his small face. He was not even 3 1/2 yet.

Hope you enjoyed our little blast from the past. I just love looking through the old pictures and sharing some of them with you!


  1. Enjoyed your blast from the past.

  2. I love all these pictures! Your kids were all too cute in these pictures!
