
May 11, 2014

Just Dying for a Change

When the Drama Queen came home for Christmas last year, she had black hair. It was awesome and different and fun!

A couple of months later, she wanted me to dye it for her again. This time she wanted platinum blond. As you can imagine, going from black to blond was not an easy task. After 4 boxes of blond hair dye, she was still pretty orange, but she didn't want to damage her hair, so she decided it would be ok.

Flash forward to today.

Baby doll
It was finally time to try dying her hair one more time. Prima Donna also needed to make a change for a Book Trailer she is making for the National Library Association. So we spent some time this evening dying hair. Drama Queen turned Prima Donna into a redhead while my sweetie took me out to dinner for Mothers' Day. She makes a very cute ginger.

Since we bought her 2 boxes of dye, there was a little extra so the Drama Queen put a bit of red in Baby Doll's and Scout's hair. They were so excited to be big girls!

Then I helped the Drama Queen try to go all the way to blond. As we were finishing up, Bossy came in with her kids. They wanted to join the party and since I had a bit of blond dye left...

Well, I'll let you be the judge. I'd say they look pretty super cute!

It appears we were all dying for a change.


  1. This was one party I totally needed to be at! I'm dying for a change with my hair color too! The kids all look so cute!

  2. What a fun change your hair color activity. I loved it. The pictures are awesome.
    Blessings for the smiles today~

  3. Yikes. Stick with comb and gel....

