
May 12, 2014

Happy Mothers' Day!

I had an amazing Mother's Day! The kids made me breakfast in bed this morning. German pancakes and a strawberry smoothie. It was delicious! After that we got ready and went to church. They had all the moms stand up and then they gave us chocolate turtle candies. I was released from my nursery calling today and given a new one, but we can talk more about that another time.

After church we worked on dinner while we waited for Teach to call. That's right! She got to call me on the phone! We get to talk to her twice a year while she is on her mission, once on Christmas and once on Mothers' Day. This time we got to talk with her for a whole hour! It was so good to hear her voice. Only a little over 3 months before she will be home. :)

By the time we were finished, my sweetie had dinner ready. He made home made rolls and turkey dinner. We had all the kids here but Teach. It was fun and happy. The kids gave me some awesome gifts! Some were bought at the store and some were made, but all were filled with love. Thanks guys!

For dessert my sweetie made cream pies. The coconut was so delicious! I heard the chocolate and banana ones were amazing too. All in all in was a wonderful day. I also spent some time thinking about two women that influenced my life, my mom and my grandma. I miss them.

While I was eating breakfast, I was a little jealous that my sweetie was able to simply pick up a phone, dial a number, and have his mother answer. They chatted for about a half an hour over this and that. I would love to have even two minutes on the phone with my mom. I think she would be pleased about the way the kids are growing up and becoming responsible adults.

I hope she would be proud of me. I'm trying so hard to be a good mom.
There is nothing I would rather be. Nothing.

Happy Mothers' Day!


  1. I'm sure your mom would be very proud of you! I'm also sure that your Grandma is proud of you also! You have such a sweet family that is spreading joy throughout the world and all of them are greatly influencing those around them!

  2. You are such a loving, kind and wonderful mother to all our kids and son-in-law and new grand daughter too...How could you not be, you are vigilant in your faith and teaching it to your children son-in-law and grand daughter. Your daughter TEACH IS ON A MISSION AND ON FIRE AND LOVING OF HER FAITH!!!!!!!!Your other son DOG WALKER IS ON A MISSION AND SOON TO GRADUATE COLLEGE TOO!!! How can you doubt yourself, your Mother and Grandmother taught you well and I will sing their praises and sing your praise..Keep happy and fulfilled not many are wonderful Mothers such as you...My only is thousands of miles away on her lifepath and not here at all, she prefers NYC and travels to our tiny place of living I speak each day to her and thank God for that..How blessed you have to live in a town with a wonderful husband your faith your familia and food and a home you have worked so hard for and your wonderful children, you are truly truly blessed. I pray for ther Mothers to read your blog and learn of your wisdom it helps them to Parent a lot, I have heard from many! TEACH WILL BE HOME SO SOON, I AM THRILLED FOR YOU SHE WILL BE FOREVER LOVINGLY FROM THE LORD CHANGED, MANY BLESSINGS WILL BEFALL HER AND YOUR FAMILIA THEY WILL. Have a most wonderful week..ciao&luvX()

  3. I meant to say TEACH WILL BE LOVINGLY BELSSED BY OUR LORD AND SAVIOR AND YOUR SON DOG WALKER WILL BE TOO..You have much to be proud of really, if only other Mothers could parent like you do the prisons would be empty and juvenile justice cents empty too! The love of one's Mother stays with the child all the days of their lives! IT does! ciaoXXX()()()

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Sandy! Your mom would be so proud of you and how all of the kids have turned out! How happy to talk to Teach! I missed the family skype session with my little sis-in-law who is serving in Las Vegas because I was putting Emma to bed, but I know my mother-in-law was so excited to hear her voice!

    Make sure you do tell us about your new calling soon! You've got me curious now! Our ward is changing drastically this summer (20+ families moving out) and it'll be interesting to see how things change.

  5. What a very lovely Mother's Day you had. I know how fun it is to have those missionary calls. I can hardly believe she only had 3 months left.
    Your husband is a Jewel and just like mine. He made a wonderful breakfast and dinner for me. I did get telephone calls and one Skype call from my middle daughter. It was a good day of gabbing. I too would just love to pick up the phone and dial my dear mother; I miss her so much.
    Blessings and hugs!
