
Jan 21, 2014

The MLK Holiday

We always try to spend a little time reminding the kids that we celebrate this holiday as a means of ending discrimination in our world. On Saturday we watched a movie about the first African American to win the Heisman trophy. It was awesome with lots of real footage from the 60s, so we had that covered.

I have to confess when my sweetie said he would be home early this afternoon so we could go play and have some fun together, I didn't believe him. He typically works way too many hours and we rarely see him before 7 or 8 in the evening. Some years he has taken MLK Day off so he could spend it with us, but not this year. He has a new project and things are a little crazy.

So imagine my surprise when he walked through the door at 3:45 hollering, "Let's go play!!" The kids scrambled and we were in the van and ready to go in 20 minutes. He was anxious to use the cards we invested in right before the end of the year.

Did I tell you about our Pass of All Passes? In Utah they have these passes that you can buy and they are good for about 20 venues around town including the Seven Peaks Fun Parks and Waterparks. The kids were pretty excited when he presented them as a gift for the New Year.

We haven't had a chance to use them yet so we took the vouchers to the Fun Center in Lehi to turn them into cards. My sweetie was thinking it might be a little slow in the middle of the afternoon. Ha!

It was ridiculously busy! And we had to wait forever to get our cards. But finally we got in and we headed for miniature golf. The kids had so much fun. It was a black light place and I tried to take you a pic but it was just too dark.

After we finished golfing, we finally convinced the kids to get on this ride called the Frog Hopper. It just went up and down, but it took me a while to convince them it would be fun. Then we couldn't get them off of it!! We finally took them to the food court and bought some fries and sandwiches. It was pretty expensive, but our cards also came with food vouchers! We paid $14.99 each for them and they came with $15 worth of food. Now tell me that's not a good we got all these awesome games and venues for free.

After dinner everyone but me and Baby Doll went to play laser tag. The two of us played another round of golf. Then the family joined us and we played one more round. After half a dozen more rides on the Frog Hopper, we finally convinced them it was time to leave. My off-trackers are going back to school tomorrow and we needed to get them to bed at a reasonable hour.

And something else I wanted to tell you. Yesterday was the 3-year birthday of my blog! I can't believe I've been writing this long! Happy Birthday, Twelve Makes a Dozen... Happy Birthday to you!...and many more....


  1. That sounds like a fun holiday! Also, happy birthday to your blog! 3 years is awesome!!

  2. Happy Blog anniversary..the outing with your children sounded absolutely great and the price for the cards fabuloso...Food can get expensive at those venues,it came in handy when you needed it and that is what is important..Love your blog, always readying it early and it brightens my day up, oh, for other parents to be a great example of parenting with you and your hubs parenting and experiences, the world is far better off with lovely people such as you and your hubs and your lovely loving, lds family who loves each other and looks out for each other..I think you are all terrific..GOD'S BLESSINGS ALWAYS & love too. ciao X()

  3. Happy Blog Anniversary; that is awesome. I love your blog. Your family adventure sounded like it was so much fun; you do such creative activities and seem to get the best of deals.
    Blessings to you all; you are a wonderful family.

  4. This definitely seems like an interesting day for all of you. Firstly, teaching your kids the importance of this holiday, in my opinion, is great. Second, your husband came home early just to spend time with you and the kids. And the fun time playing golf as a family capped the day off perfectly. That’s an experience you’ll cherish for years to come. I hope there’s more good things to come for you this year. Enjoy!

