
Jan 22, 2014

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

I know it seems like I talk about scouts all the time, but today was our Pack Meeting and I have to show you the fun project we made!

My girls just LOVE the Frozen movie! They go around singing the songs from it all the time. So when I wanted the Cub Scouts to make little snowmen treats, I cheated a little and borrowed their song... a LOT! I put pics of Olaf the Snowman on our reminder fliers and I used the song title as a teaser in pretty much all of the announcements.

It worked well because I don't think the boys had a clue what we were planning to do! With hardly any snow on the ground, we couldn't build a REAL snowman...

So we made these.

It took a little prior preparation on my part, but it ran smoothly at the meeting. First the boys wrapped a Hershey's bar like a gift except that the bottom end was left open so they could retrieve the candy bar without destroying their snowman.

Then they drew and colored a little snowman face with markers. I pre-made all the little scarves out of felt. They were about half an inch wide and the length of the long side of a piece of felt (about 12 inches). I snipped each end a couple of times so they looked like fringe. I could have had the kids do that but I didn't want to bring that many pairs of scissors or deal with that much wasted felt.

I went to the dollar store and bought a couple of packages of pipe cleaners and a couple of packages of pom poms. I had no idea you could get such things at the dollar store! Each snowman needed half a pipe cleaner and two pom poms. I cut the pipe cleaners beforehand as well and stuffed everything into Ziploc bags.

Setup was quick and easy. We covered three tables with white butcher paper and then put supplies on each one. We used white unlined paper, markers, tape for wrapping the bars, scarves, pipe cleaners, and pom poms. We also put out low-temp glue guns for gluing the "ear muffs" in place.

The kids loved this fun and easy project! Kids as young as two were able to participate. Total cost was less than $1 per person.

Do you have any fun craft ideas that might work for a Pack Meeting? Leave me a link. I would love to see what you have been doing!

(Besides, after 3 years, I'm running out of ideas!)

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