
Jan 11, 2014

Really Sick this Time

OK, I admit it. I've managed to get myself really sick this time.

I tried hard to fight it off in the beginning. When the cough came with nothing else in my nose or throat, I saw the signs. I've dealt with them all before and honestly they scare me a little. I dragged myself to the Instacare last Saturday after Scout's baptism just so this wouldn't happen, but the doctor insisted that he heard no signs of pneumonia in my lungs. I was welcome to check back with my regular doctor if the steroids didn't take care of the problem in a few days.

Just feeling miserable.
On Thursday morning I saw my primary care doc and he confirmed what I pretty much already knew. "Your lungs are really junky," he suggested. "I don't see any point in a chest X-ray since the diagnosis is that obvious and it would just cost you extra money." Why couldn't the doctor on Saturday hear that rattling around in there? I could feel it then, even hear it at night when I would lay down.

Now I get to take double doses of antibiotics and sleep sitting up, when I can sleep that is. I'm sorry for the whining. Really I am. I'm sorry to even be in this situation! Don't you think doctors should listen to what we have to say? After all, we know our own bodies and their tendencies.

My mom spent nearly a week in the hospital after she almost died from pneumonia when I was a child. I've had the vaccinations, but nothing seems to help when that hacky cough invades my system. Except for a doctor who will listen...


  1. Oh no! Get better quick, Sandy!

  2. Hope you get to feeling better.

  3. A few years ago I had a cough that lingered for about a month or so. I went to the doctor for something totally different. I asked about the cough..which was a Thursday I believe. They told me it was nothing at all. The next day I went home from work early just wasn't feeling too good at all. All weekend long I spent on the couch and watching TV. Needless to say that on Monday morning I was rushed to the hospital from the doctors office because I had pneumonia. My oxygen level was really low and I got yelled at for driving myself. I spent 6 days in the hospital.

  4. Oh no!Hope you feel better soon. My 15 month old just got over this..

  5. Oh my goodness; I am so sorry that you have pneumonia. Rest, fluids and your meds should have you going soon. You will be in my prayers.
    I had pneumonia twice in the last five years; so I do know how you feel. It is irritating that you didn't get the right diagnosis.
    Blessings for yo dear friend!

  6. For the Love of the Lord why can't doctors care about the patient???? Pnemonia killed my husbands next sibling when he was little he just choked to death in his crib and my mother in law went to pieces in her mind..She still had a trunk full of kids after that but never got over his death, they were so poor in the stix in Pennsylvania and no doctor cared to see her and the tiny baby doll who passed to heaven..Is it only about money..We have a HMO new hospital and medical clinic we are far away in another state and county but our doctor is there and if got really ill and my hubs too we will go right down, when my hubs fell ill just before Christmas we got to the new hospital and medical center and they were wonderful many people dislike our HMO but with no health insurance remotely affordable we get ours thru the union my husband has belonged to for over 40 years one could die because the Obamacare policy would be exorbitant and the HMO is not time you get ill go to your doctor and don't leave until YOU FEEL YOU GOT THE ANSWER YOU NEED TO GET WELL....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Awww. I'm sure there are doctors and health practitioners who will spare a moment and not only look into your particular condition and give sound advice, but also extract a remedy from the stuff that which you have laid out about it that would be the best. Push further with your search, then settle with a wise option.

    Meghan @ Aurora Diagnostics
