
Jan 11, 2014

Another Sick Day

I only had one thing that I HAD to do today and that was coach Scout's basketball game. This is our 4th game and since I haven't had any luck finding an assistant, I knew that I would be on my own even if I felt lousy.

I asked my sweetie to sit with me on the bench. Actually I never sit when I coach 2nd graders since we are allowed to be on the floor. I tend to be a rather active coach, yelling advice and encouragement the entire game. I don't really know how to coach any other way.

Partway through the first quarter I moved near to where my sweetie was sitting and rested my hand on his shoulder. My head was pounding so loudly I wasn't sure how I was going to get through the rest of the game. The one thing I didn't want to do was let the kids know I wasn't myself, but I was having a hard time focusing on the rotations and making sure everyone got mostly equal playing time.

I was missing a player so I only had 8 today. When the halftime whistle blew I didn't dare sit down. The adrenaline was finally flowing and I was pretty sure if I kept moving I would be able to make it through the second half. The kids were doing so well! I pulled one little guy aside during the break and told him I was expecting him to carry us through the second half because he was an excellent ball-handler. I could see he had it in him, but it hadn't been manifested yet on the court. He listened and by the end of the game he had racked up about a dozen points!

It's always amazing to me what a little confidence will do to a player, especially at this age. My kids finished up strong and I was so proud of them! Most of them made shots today (although I still can't get Scout to be that aggressive, we are working on it) and they were very happy.

Pretty sure none of them guessed my secret since I managed to keep in an upright position, but that took most of my energy for the entire day. I only did two other things, sit through Sport's game (they won by 3 points) and then go out for Chinese food with my sweetie.

Bossy had all the kids over for a movie party and dinner so that left us to our own devices. We went to this little Chinese place we used to visit often a few years back but hadn't been to in a while. It brought back lots of memories and we just sat there and talked for almost an hour. Good thing the place was a little slow.

When we got back to the house my sweetie couldn't believe that all I wanted to do was sit in my comfy office chair next to my heater. It's not like me to need this much rest, hopefully I will be feeling much better tomorrow.


  1. Oh my, You must take care of yourself. You need some good rest. I hope you will do it. You will be in my prayers. You have a busy life so I know you don't have time to rest much; but usually your health will tell you to slow down. Dang I sound like your mother; I am in that age group.
    Blessings, prayers, love and hugs for you today.

  2. I hope you are feeling better!
