
Nov 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful day today!

It started around 8:30. The kids wanted to watch the parade and they weren't willing to let anyone sleep in. Since our plans included an evening meal, we were in no rush to get the cooking started. Princess and I made all the pies last night, 6 pecan, 4 pumpkin, and 1 apple for the Gym Rat. Can you believe he doesn't like pumpkin pie?

The Dog Walker is rapidly approaching the end of the semester, so we squeezed in 3 chapters of Economics including quizzes. He wasn't very happy to be doing homework while everyone else was celebrating. Did I tell you the Dog Walker is also dog-sitting for a couple of weeks? My Tupperware manager needed someone to watch her two little dogs. They are really so cute and haven't been much trouble at all. The Dog Walker is very excited about the extra income just in time for Christmas shopping.

But I digress...

We had our fun and traditional Charlie Brown Thanksgiving around 12:30. My favorite part is always the chocolate pudding, but I also enjoyed the black jellybeans (since no one else will eat them anyway). We put in the real turkey right after that and my sweetie started on the rolls. Honestly, he makes the most delicious rolls! That was my cue to head back into the office with the Dog Walker. When we finally emerged almost two hours later with one more successful quiz finished, my sweetie announced that it was time for a new tradition.

A family basketball game! We split into two teams of 8 players each and we played a rousing game of ball for about an hour. We only had one casualty and it didn't even draw blood. Oh, except for the time when Bossy was trying to steal the ball from the Drama Queen and rather than give it up, the Drama Queen just gave her a little warning bite...I guess she has been hanging around with the dogs a little too much this weekend.

Princess peeled potatoes for over an hour as we just hung out together and slowly prepared food. Some were playing games, my sweetie let the boys get out the racetrack, and the Dog Walker and I kept at his homework. At some point Grandpa showed up.

About 6:45 we sat down to dinner. After an extremely long prayer of gratitude from my sweetie we dug in. Bossy had helped the kids with a cute Oreo turkey project she found on Facebook and these fun turkeys made from apples and marshmallows. We had all the traditional stuff, turkey, potatoes and gravy, stuffing, yams, corn, rolls, and cranberry sauce. It was an awesome meal! We snacked all evening and enjoyed pie around 9:00.

Unfortunately, I helped myself to one of my sweetie's rolls a little bit ago and now my tummy hurts. Way too much good food in a single day! I hope you all had the happiest of Thanksgivings full of family, food, friends, and fun.

And no homework...


  1. Happy thanksgiving, Sandy!! Minus all the homework it sounds like a great holiday at your house!! Hope the next month goes well for y'all, as you get ready for Christmas!

  2. Blessed Hanukkah from our home to yours..We do celebrate Thanksgiving too by baking, cooking, roasting and feeding many hungry people in our community.. Many of your faith give food to the poor and many have their children on missions and always doing wonderful servie to others, if only parents could be real parents like you & your husband are, we would have no kids in jail or on drugs and just all messed up..We see how the result of true families with God in their lives live..Congratulations upon your daughter Teach's mission, she will be only the better in this life because she did the mission.May the light of Hanukkah shine in your lives and home forever, also God's Blessings too..ciao X()X()X()X()X()X()X()X()
