
Nov 30, 2013

Did you Miss Me?

I had planned to write a post last night, really I did, but yesterday just got a bit out of hand. We had the Girl Scouts over at 10:00 AM to finish up our tree for Festival of Trees. I don't know if I told you much about that, but in Utah, Primary Children's Medical Center has a huge fundraiser every year called the Festival of Trees. You have to apply to get in, and if you are accepted, you get the privilege of donating a Christmas tree and and the trimmings and packages underneath.

Since we had some extra money this year, I really wanted the girls to have the opportunity to give back to our community by putting together a tree. We decided on a small one, 4 1/2 feet tall. We have spent every single meeting since the first of October making ornaments and preparing our little tree.

So yesterday I had the girls over to finish it up and wire on the ornaments, stuff like that. The tree has to be set up on Monday so it can be ready for the silent auction on Tuesday. I'm sneaking you a preliminary picture so you can see, but I will post on this again after we get a chance to set it up at the Festival so you can see it with all the trimmings. We are hoping that it will make some good money for the sick kids at the medical center. Either way it was really fun.

The girls left about 3:00. Then the Dog Walker settled into homework once again. He had one last chapter of Economics and his final exam. He did a great job on the chapter, and at 8:00, we sat down to begin the final. He had printed out all the quizzes and he was able to use his book and notes. I sat with him to keep him calm and organized for the 100-question exam. He had a 5-hour time limit, but we were hoping it wouldn't take that long.

As the 4th hour ticked by, my brother showed up. He lives in New Jersey and had been in town for a few days, but I had not had the opportunity to visit with him. His flight was leaving this morning and he had to be at the airport at 7:30. I hurried the Dog Walker through the last  10 questions as the clock rolled past midnight. By 12:30 he had scored a 96 and I was finally able to sit down with my brother to visit.

We yacked for hours about everything until he finally decided he'd better get a little sleep around 3:30 AM. I crawled into bed at 4:00, but then back out again at 6:30 to make sure he was up and getting ready for his trip to the airport.

When he was out the door, I laid back down for a couple of hours until it was time to get the kids up for the Home Depot class. Now it's back to the homework. The Economics class is done and the A is earned, but he still has to finish up his Intro to Special Ed class today. Then he will have less than 2 weeks to complete his Math and Reading classes. Reading will be OK, but I'm holding my breath on the Math class. I'll keep you posted...


  1. How exciting to have that economics class done!! Good luck to Dog Walker (and you) with his remaining classes!!

    Also, super exciting that you got to see your brother! My siblings are scattered all over the country and I haven't seen any of them in 1.5 years!

  2. How fun that you got to see your brother! I also love the teddy bear tree-topper. Stopping by from PYHO.

  3. I love going to the Festival of trees near us and seeing all the different decorations. What a fun thing to get to do!
