
Oct 25, 2013

The Dog Walker's Amazing Halloween Display!

I know you have all been looking forward to seeing the Dog Walker's amazing Halloween display. He works so hard on it every year and with school and the new bit of concrete, it has been a real challenge getting it together this year.

He is still taking classes at Salt Lake Community College. I'm pretty sure I told you they renewed his scholarship for this year and he has been very busy. He began the semester with 13 credit hours, but just last week he started another 5-hour class that is more like a 10-hour class because it is only half a semester long. It puts him in a seat class all five days of the week (not counting the weekends) and forces him to stay focused on school which is good. He is a hard worker and he tries very hard!

He has also had some crazy rehearsals for the BSA 100-year Anniversary Celebration in the Conference Center next week. He was there for 4 hours tonight and 4 hours on Tuesday. He will spend pretty much his whole Saturday there too. That makes it difficult to get homework done, but so far he is managing although we finish up pretty late.

Bossy has some pretty amazing decorations at her house too! Maybe we can get her to post some too.


  1. I really have been looking forward to see it! It's really cool!

  2. Tell Dog Walker that I think is display is fantastic. It is so fun that you do this each year. He does sound like a very busy young man. He is accomplishing many good works.
    Blessings to all!

  3. WOW! I can't believe how incredible that looks! I could use some help getting our house decorated for the holidays, we've got some decorations but always struggle with getting stuff put up! I hope he's doing well with school! I'm impressed with him keeping his scholarship! I was a pretty good student, but never got much help in the way of scholarships.

    I can't wait to see the Christmas display--I love Christmas decorations!!
