
Oct 26, 2013

Reflections Winners and the Concert

Scout gets a medal.
My elementary-aged kids had their Reflections assembly last night and they came away with some awesome wins! Sport won in Film Production, Scout won in Film Production and Dance, and Curly won in Film Production and Music.

Sport gets his medal.
They were so excited! Curly just loved his two medals and couldn't wait to show them to a friend of mine who stopped by today for a minute. They all got envelopes full of free coupons and other good loot.

Crafty also had a band concert last night. Did I tell you she is playing the clarinet? They only played 3 songs, but it was the first concert of the year so they had a few technical difficulties. During the first song, the tech crew accidentally turned off the lights on the stage and the kids could barely see their music.

Mugging for the camera!
They finally fixed that problem, but then they forgot to turn off the speakers after the announcement of the second song. The speakers kept cracking and whistling until the awesome band teacher stopped the band mid-song and hollered to the crew to please turn off the speakers. (You would have thought someone in the booth would have just noticed it was a problem and taken care of it...)

Crafty is the cute witch in the black and gold hat.
It was actually very cool; she handled it like a professional. After the speakers were off she just said, "Pick ups at 41..." and they resumed the song right where they left off.

Sorry for the bad pics today. Someone put the good camera in a weird mode (You would have thought someone would have just noticed it was a problem and taken care of it...)


  1. I love that your children are so accomplished. You are providing for them wonderful opportunities to grow.

  2. I love that your children are so accomplished. You are providing for them wonderful opportunities to grow.

  3. Apparently there is a new stage crew teacher and new students and they didn't know what they were doing.
    I agree that the band director is awesome!! She's one of the reasons we are at that school.
    Both bands sounded great!
