
Sep 23, 2013

Two-Hand Touch

After 4 hours of church (that included an extra sacrament meeting to watch the grandkids in their Primary program), we piled in the van and headed for my sweetie's brother's house for a birthday party. My mother-in-law's birthday was last Monday, but this was the first day we were able to get together and celebrate.

The party was held in the backyard, but it wasn't long before the temperatures started to drop and we were all getting pretty cold. My cute sister-in-law brought out a pile of blankets and jackets, but I was still pretty chilled.

Sport and some of the other kids were playing two-hand touch football, so with my newly acquired flag football coaching skills, I decided to join their little game.

It turned into half an hour of chasing back and forth (passing only) with lots of kids and adults. We didn't keep score, but it didn't matter who won, it was just fun to play boys against the girls. Bossy is pretty competitive and at one point Gamer decided a little tackling could go a long way...

By the time we were finished my goal was accomplished, I was warm!
And I'm pretty sure I worked off that piece of carrot cake I enjoyed as well.


  1. It look's like a lot of fun. I used to love to play football and basketball with my children and grandchildren. Now I can't due to ankle and knee problems, old age.
