
Sep 22, 2013

So Tired

This week has been absolutely exhausting. I won't bore you with details except that I don't remember one this tough since I was working full time. Just to give you an idea, I'll give you a run down of today.

Last night I put up my post around 2:00 AM (sorry for the typos!). By the time I crawled in to bed it was about 2:30. But that didn't stop the phone from ringing at 7:30 this morning. It was my manager and yes, she had 25 fundraiser catalogs and she would stop by in the next 30 minutes. I jumped out of bed and hit the shower. Ten minutes later I was dressed and ready to go.

I headed for the office and started printing pages for the fundraiser. I had not planned to make these packets today. Without the fliers they could have waited until mid week, although this was definitely the best scenario for my Tupperware business. My manager stopped by within a few minutes and I received a text from my friend, Chris, who was putting the vinyl on the flags for Sport's football team. The flags were done and I could pick them up anytime. Since he was a neighbor of Bossy's I called her and she agreed to pick them up. Honestly, I didn't have 20 minutes to go after them.

At 8:30 I woke the kids for their flag football game, and shortly before that, Princess asked me to run her to the high school. She couldn't take her car because when she climbed in it and headed for the street, she heard a pop and that was it. She couldn't find her NHS group, so we came back home. Prima Donna was also up and moving, she had to be with the musical cast in the Homecoming parade. We were hoping to catch the end of that on our way home from the flag football game, but it didn't happen, they were finished by the time we got there although the kids did really well at their game and they won, 30 - 24.

I dropped the kids at the house and ran back over to the store to pick up some nylon rope to hold the flags. While I was mounting them, Princess finished all the packets. The girls had a dance bbq today and they wanted to pass out the packets and get the fundraiser started. I sent the Dog Walker to drop off Crafty at the studio, she had Nutctracker rehearsal, and I set an alarm in my phone so I wouldn't forget to pick her up.

My sweetie pumped up Princess's tire and she and I ran her car to the tire store for a quick repair. Back at the house we finished up the flag project and got the girls ready for Sport's football game. They were cheering today, so it was a big deal. I ran Sport to the fields because he had to be there an hour early. I turned over the cooking of the corn to the Dog Walker. The kids wanted some lunch before we left for the football game.Silly kids, they always want to eat!

Princess and Prima Donna missed Sport's game because Princess had Nutcracker rehearsal right in the middle of it. And yes, I did remember to pick up Crafty. Sport's game was hard! He did an awesome job, all the boys did, but we had officials who really didn't want our team to win. Our Head Coach finally took himself right out of the game. It was crazy! But we eventually won in overtime, 6 - 13.

When the game was over we hustled back home because I had a Tupperware party at 4:30 at Bossy's house and I only had 40 minutes to change my clothes, prepare my bags, and drive the 10 minutes to her house. I managed to pull it together and I arrived right on time. The party went until almost 6:30. I stopped by Chris's house on the way home to give him a check and I called Princess to check on her plans. She was going to a birthday party for a friend. Thankfully, she and Dog Walker picked up her car so that saved me a few minutes.

When I got home I made chicken tacos for dinner and sent the girls off to the stake dance. Bossy came over with her boys and then she and I bottled 28 quarts of pears. My sweetie and Sport watched the Utah - BYU football game on TV and it lasted almost until midnight which was fine, I was processing pears until about 12:30. Sadly, one jar broke on its way out of the canner.

I cleaned up the kitchen and did laundry while the pears were processing. There were lots of big bowls and pans to hand wash. When I was finally finished, I headed back into the office to write this post for you. I keep dozing off or I'm sure I would be done by now, but either way I'm done. It's 1:50 and I have to be up by 8:00 tomorrow. And I still have all the bedtime routine. We are celebrating Princess's birthday tomorrow and running half an hour to Lehi after church for a party for my MIL. I also have to teach nursery in the morning and take in a second sacrament meeting because it is the primary program for the grandsons. I still need to decorate the cake, cook dinner for 18 people, and wrap the gifts.

So much for a day of rest!
Although I very much need one.


  1. Sounds very busy...I got most of the jift of the day. But who is Chris.

  2. I guess I wasn't very clear about about that. Chris is my best friend's husband. He did the vinyl for our flags and since Bossy picked them up, I didn't pay for them until later in the day. It worked out fine though because the Tupperware party was at Bossy's house so I was close by and dropping off a check was no big deal. I think I need to work a little on clarity at 2:00 AM. :)

  3. Wow whee you are one busy and tired Mom..Hope the pears are yummy and happy birthday to princess too..You need some rest and chilling, maybe many will buy lots of Tupperware and you will make a good profit to help you with all you do to for your family, I am praying for you for rest and some sleep..have a great week..ciao and love!XX()()

  4. Hope you can find some time for rest.

  5. Oh my gosh, I am exhausted after reading this one. How do you do it?????? I would say amazing!
    Blessings and a few more naps for you!
