
Sep 26, 2013

Story Time

I used to take my kids to our county library story time religiously! When Joan was in charge, the lines were out the door to get signed up. It was ridiculous; she was so good. I remember spending almost an hour in line on a cold morning after Christmas to sign up for the next 8 weeks of story time. Then Joan was transferred.

She moved to a library up on the east side that was really too far away for the drive. We went to one story time with the new librarian here and that was enough. Story time would never be the same again. It has literally been years since I have been to one... until today.

Baby Doll and Curly have a dance class that runs from 10:00 - 10:45. A few days ago the Dog Walker brought me a schedule for events at the library and I saw that story time started at 11:15. It would be so easy! So the mom-guilt got to me and after we loaded up at the studio, I drove several blocks to the library.

The kids were so excited! As I said, I had never taken them to one before. Yes, it has been more than the five years of Curly's life since Joan left. We got to the library a little early so we headed for a quiet corner with a couple of books. It wasn't long before they opened the doors and we made our way into the meeting room. This story time was alphabet-themed so the kids sat on a big rug with the ABCs around the edge.

The games, songs, and books were all about the letter A. In fact, at one point the librarian asked what letter started the words "apple," "alligator," and "airplane." Curly waved his hand until she called on him. I was pretty sure he knew the answer, but I whispered "A" just in case. He loudly declared that they all started with "P." Not sure where that came from. I think he was trying to be funny. At 5, he was the oldest kid in the room and none of the 3-year-olds understood his little joke.

I couldn't help but compare the whole situation to my experiences with Joan and quite honestly, they didn't even remotely begin to measure up. But it didn't matter, Baby Doll and Curly thought it was great! So I guess we will be going back next week. I think I'll spend some extra homework time with Curly on the letter "B."


  1. Hilarious, I love it!! Our library has baby time for 0-18 months and a librarian told me I should take Emma. I went one week and all the other kids were at least 12 months. I don't like the librarian who did it, nor did I think the activities were age appropriate, so. now I'm looking for another library (we have 25 in San Antonio) with a better progran

  2. We love story time. We go every week. And I guess we're lucky--Lehi has some amazing ladies who do story time, but there are always at least a million kids!

  3. I wanted to leave a little e-mail for Teach in Texas, God's Blessings to you, Ithought you were to be gone 2 full years, 18 months is better..Keep up your wonderful work and love of the Lord..ciaoX()
