
Sep 25, 2013

More Letters from Texas

Teach got transferred last week and she also hit her 6-month mark last Friday. It's hard to believe she has been gone that long already. For girls they are only gone 18 months, so she is a third of the way done with her mission. It was difficult for her to leave her first area. She has made so many friends there and she just loves the people.

Saying bye to the elders on hugging allowed!
I have amazing pictures of a whole bunch of people I got to/ had to say goodbye too. I cried a little. It was really hard, mom. I love these people so much. Brother Hubbard (remember him??) He gave me a 1/8th inches round about 6 inches long piece of an iron rod. It is probably the greatest thing ever. I absolutely love it and it is in my scriptures. I got roses from Sophie, I was able to say goodbye to Bob and Gertie and get pictures (thank you SO much for the camera!) and it was great. Miracle of the night. at 8:15 we decided to try ONE more time to see the M****s who haven't let us inside in over a month. Miracle among miracles as we pulled up Jose and Rachel were sitting outside in the car. They had just pulled up. I told them I was leaving and Jose let us come inside. It was so amazing to teach and testify to them one more time. They felt bad for ignoring us (I'm still not sure exactly what had been going on) but they were so sweet. I love that family even though they have more issues than anyone I know. 
She has learned so much from her first companions and investigators! Now if she can just remember all she has learned...
I'm in my new area. It's weird because if I don't watch myself I feel like I have to start from square one in a lot of things- but I don't need to. I've learned so much I just have to figure out how to apply that knowledge to my new area and not forget all the things that I've already learned.
She sure looks happy!
She is missing big things here, like her best friend is getting married in November, but she is happy where she is and we wouldn't want her to be anywhere else.
I love being a missionary. It's sad that I'm missing big events in y'alls lives (Alex has a wedding dress!) but this is the best decision that I"ve ever made for my life. This is what I needed and this is where I'm meant to be. I miss Chapel Creek so much, but I'm learning from the experience there and I'm making myself a better missionary because of it. I love it.


  1. Glad to hear that Teach is doing well! I think of her when I see the Sister missionaries that are serving in our neighboring ward!

  2. Oh how I love the missionary updates. I can hardly believe she has been gone for six months. I know those transfers are tough; but that will just continuing to make her stronger than ever.

  3. Looks like she is learning a lot about herself on her mission! Happy 6th months down to her! I'm visiting today via Pour Your Heart out.
