
Aug 22, 2013

Sunday Nights

Did I ever tell you how much I love Sunday nights? Sundays are family days and in my family we love getting together. My sweetie normally makes some sort of amazing meal and we usually have Bossy's family, Gym Rat, Drama Queen and Grandpa with us.

We set up tables in our living room so everyone can sit together and we feast and talk and laugh. This past Sunday was not a birthday week, but we invited my Little Sis and her family to join us for dinner. (It was really a ploy to get her to take some of these apricots off my hands! After making over 100 quarts, I am so done with jam!)

She brought her hubby and two little ones with her. So with her 4 and Bossy's 5 and 11 of us plus a friend of the Gym Rat and Grandpa, that brought us to 22. We had a fiesta to honor our new granddaughter, Fajita, that included apricot salsa, of course.

Princess even made some amazing cupcakes, her very first try at marble. They were delicious! By the time we had finished dessert, the little ones were ready for a change. The adults are not nearly as exciting and fun as we think we are...

So they all headed outside to play some games on the front lawn. I love that my older ones are so happy to play with the little ones! They played Red Light, Green Light, What Time is it Mr. Wolf? and even Duck Duck Goose. I have to tell you, it was so stinkin' cute to watch Baby Doll tap each person on the head and say "Duuuuck...." and then her cute high-pitched "GOOSE!" She ran fast, and of course no one ever caught her...

The grownups sat on the front porch and watched all the action, occasionally joining in and taking tons of fun pics. My sweetie put the camera away before Princess and Prima Donna returned from their meeting, but by the time it was dusk and the kids were all tired out, the older girls had also joined the group.

You know, there are just some days when being a mom is hard... and then there are those other days when it's all worth it.


  1. What a fun amazing family you all are!!! Love your posts!

  2. What a very sweet event with loved ones. I loved the part about sitting on the porch watching them play. Awesome pictures! I am sure you are excited to have a new granddaughter.
    Blessings and hugs!
