
Aug 23, 2013

No One Fights Alone

The Emerys - sorry for the bad pic
Last week my kids brought home a flier from school. This is not an uncommon occurrence and I usually just glance at them before I toss them, so I'm not sure why this particular one caught my eye. It was not remarkable in any way; a half sheet of white paper with black writing, but the first line caught my attention: "No One Fights Alone."

I most definitely agree with that statement. No one should fight alone. We all need family and friends around us, especially when we are facing something really hard.

Honestly, I've had a pretty easy life. Other than when we nearly lost our sweet Princess back in 1997, and the occasional loss of a job and minor car accidents and surgeries, we've not really faced anything truly life-changing. About a month ago we had a lesson in church about trials and my burdens seem very light compared to others.

Especially compared to the Emerys.

Mike Emery following surgery
I have never met the Emerys, but I suspect that will change on Saturday, August 24, 2013. That is when Princess, Prima Donna, and Crafty will be helping with the carnival games and a huge fundraiser rally to support this sweet family as they face life's biggest trial, terminal cancer for Mike.

I'll let you check out their website yourself, at to read his heartbreaking story, but for those of you who live in the Salt Lake Valley and are searching for a Saturday activity, please consider stopping for a little while at Prospector Park on August 24.

It all starts with a Family Fun Run (registration from 8:15 - 8:45), followed by a carnival from 9:00 - 2:00. Plan on lunch from Texas Roadhouse for only $5, and say "hi" to my girls. The address is 10150 South 2200 West, directly north of Bingham High School. We'll be heading over around noon, after Sport's football game.

Maybe we are only the voices and hands of a few, but we want to make sure that Mike doesn't fight this battle alone. We just never know when we might need someone to rally the troops for one of us.


  1. May God help the family that needs the help..No one should fight alone in this life..are we not called by our Heavenly Father to help all human beings..really? what is our life for other to love our Lord, Love our family and help others? a life of selfishness is not a life at all..Living by a high school I see many who their parents have abandoned them, oh, my I have, I offer what I can and listen to them, fine human beings but their parents have sherked their responsibilities, they are all for themselves and do not see their children for what they truly are a blessing in this short life on earth..too bad they cannot meet sweet parents and human beings like you are, your children are pearls and gems on this earth reflecting your sweetness, God loving and esp. being members of their family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Blessings to your girls and to you for aiding this family in times of tremendous health crisis..If more people could be like you both are we would have empty juvenile justice centers and the prisons would be near empty..Ciao!XXX()()()XXXX

  2. I meant to say, it is so early for me, We are called by our Heavenly Father to help all human beings! sorry misplaced the word not..ciaoX()

  3. Keep us updated on how it goes!

  4. Your family is such a blessing to others.
