
Aug 8, 2013

Almost Over

I've probably complained a little before about the fact that we just didn't really get a summer this year. My little ones were in school until July 2 because they are on year round and then they went back on July 25. It didn't really matter though, because the Dog Walker, Princess, and Prima Donna were all taking a full load of classes at the local community college.

And now I'm happy to report that we are approaching the end of Finals week! The girls only have a Psychology final left to take that doesn't open until Thursday (which is now today!), but both girls are on track to get a 4.0 which means straight A grades for all 6 classes. I'm so proud of them! They have worked so hard and been diligent even when they would have rather hung out with friends or watched a movie, still they kept at it, plugging along and enduring to the end. Now they will just take a regular school year in high school except that they each have a few concurrent enrollment/AP classes to help them get that AS degree when they graduate from high school.

By the time this school year is over, Princess will have completed her Math and History requirements as well as another elective class. Prima Donna has an AP History class that will give her some electives. I don't worry at all about her passing the AP test. She took AP Human Geography last year and did I tell you that she got a 5? That's the highest possible score! She definitely got her test-taking skills from her dad, not me.

The Dog Walker will also score a 4.0, I hope. He has one class that might teeter over into an A-, but he is still doing a fantastic job! He is much closer to graduation than the girls. After Fall semester he will only have about 4 or 5 classes left although he will need to take more than that to fill the requirements of his scholarship. Unfortunately he is mourning the fact that classes start up again on Aug 21, giving him only about 10 days for his summer vacation. I've long since given up the idea of vacation.

I'm just looking forward to a chance of going to bed a little earlier...


  1. Your children are doing fantastic..School here is 180 full days, when it snows which is often school goes until the middle or late of june, the kids fuss but when they graduate and are poor and cannot attend even the junior college they really fuss, one has to have a car or hop the bus for running start now they charge some money for the classes and books which used to be all used are not available, the rich get rich the poor suffer, many from poor families have to work and go to school after high school taking them lots of time and effort many graduate older and wiser but they get all upset working and all they are from immigrant families huge and don't realize that a college education is an absolute must, they soldier on and I give some money for books and sometimes tuition, they did not ask for this situation, the rich let their kids skip high school go for the running start only to take valuable spaces and get flunked out, what do they care their moms and dads will always give them money and resources, the rich get richer here and it is cold most of the year prompting food choices, clothing everything...You are most fortunate to live in a dry area, even when it snows it is dry, you have a loving husband, and faith and a wonderful loving family who benefits from you and your husbands foresight of Education, you do not give your kids lots of this and that, they are responsible loving of the Lord children, I pray nightly for many other parents to step up like you and your sweet husband do, to raise their kids to be readers, leaders, loving of God and happy in a familia..Congrats upon all you do to make your children happy, loving of God and family individuals, many do not have this I feel necessity in life, the jails would be empty of others would have followed you and your husbands parenting choices and love of the Lord, have a most wonderful week, time will fly you can always find some time for another vacation for your familia CiaoX()

  2. You must be one proud mama!! Boy I agree with the fast summer and I didn't even go year round! I'm looking forward to one more trip to visit our Grandbabies before the school year starts up then it's back to preschool for me!

  3. It is so wonderful how well your children are doing in school. I am sure it has to do with such attentive parents. You are all amazing. Lots of blessings and hugs for all!

  4. I hope I can do as well with the one class I'm doing as the dog walker handles the full course load he is taking. I wish I had someone to stay up late and help me study/go over my homework with me-your kids are lucky to have your help!
