
Jul 7, 2013

The Grand Canyon

We got the kids up bright and early and we were in the van and on the road just after 9:00. We decided that since we were in Phoenix we still wanted to see a few things before we left town. Our first stop with the Stillman-McCormick train park. We rode a little train around the park and the kids rode the carousel. We really enjoyed the free model train museum (and its air conditioning!) before we left.

Our second stop was the Sprinkles cupcakery. The girls were so excited! It was pretty expensive, a dozen cupcakes cost us $39, about the same as I paid for dinner tonight, but I guess since we only go to one once a year we can afford it.

Then we did a drive by of the stadiums for the Suns and the Diamondbacks. It's so fun seeing those places that we always see on TV. Then we drove out to the Phoenix LDS temple site. The temple isn't going to be finished for another year, but most of the outside is complete. It will definitely be a beautiful building.

Then we got on the freeway and headed for the Grand Canyon. It was a long drive, made longer by the pounding rain. We stopped for lunch in Flagstaff at a KFC and the rain was coming down so fast the ceiling was leaking in the building and we had a river in the parking lot.

We got to the Grand Canyon about 4:30, but by the time we parked and made our way to the Visitors' Center they were just locking up the place. So we just walked down to the lookout. The canyon was absolutely stunning! Almost surreal. I've never seen anything quite so huge and overwhelming. I was nervous about the kids, but the lookout we were on had waist-high fences with no possibility of a little one slipping through. We stayed for about an hour, just looking and taking pictures. Then it was back on the road.

Thankfully the rain was mostly gone, but it was a long drive through the forests to get to Kanab. We didn't get here until about 10:30.  We had eaten a late lunch and snacked but the kids wanted food so we ran to a McDonalds before checking in to the hotel. It took us a while to get settled and now I am sitting here alone, writing this post. I've just checked the camera bag and it appears we have left the cord in the van, so I will have to put up all my awesome pictures for you tomorrow when we get home.

I don't think the kids have enjoyed this trip as much as I had hoped. We have been just riding a lot without having time to do too many activities; we have seen tons of new places. But I think next summer maybe I will just buy a pass to the rec center. Then they can swim as much as they want and the ride is less than a mile each way.


  1. I must say you are managing to see quite a few things. I myself can't imagine traveling with all the dear children. We had a struggle just traveling with 6 children.
    It is sad you couldn't have seen more of the Grand Canyon. It's been years since we have been to Kanab.
    Loved the pictures!

  2. Sounds like such a fun trip!
