
Jul 8, 2013


Hey, I put up my pics from yesterday as promised, so make sure you check them out! I think I told you we rolled into Kanab late last night after driving all day from Phoenix. The kids were disappointed that we didn't have time to use what looked like a fantastic pool and hot tub.

We got up this morning, had breakfast and checked out of the hotel in time for church at 11:00. It's always a little different going to church somewhere other than home, but I'm always glad when I do. It reminds me that the gospel is the same everywhere and people in our church are kind and accepting no matter where we come from.

After church we got on the road and headed for home. My sweetie decided he wanted to stop for a few minutes at Bryce Canyon since most of the kids didn't remember the last time we were there. The entrance fee was $25 except that we had the Dog Walker's awesome pass to waive the fee. As we pulled into the parking lot at Sunset Point, the rain started to fall. We had experienced a little here and there on the drive since we left Kanab, so it didn't bother us too much.

We took our pictures and looked at the beauty of God's creations and headed back to the van to grab one last round of sandwiches from the cooler. While we were eating, the rain picked up again. Before long it turned to hail and we were awfully glad we were inside our vehicle as we watched other people duck for cover. After about 10 minutes the rain cleared up again and we decided to drive to one last lookout, Bryce Point. It was only a few minutes, but when the rain and hail began pelting us again, my sweetie decided he didn't want to see the view that much. So we turned around in the parking lot and headed for home.

We made a stop in Scipio for bathrooms, but other than that we drove all the way to Nephi. After a few minutes at the Drama Queen's apartment, we climbed back in the van for the final leg of our journey.

We pulled into our driveway at around 8:30. It took us about 20 minutes to completely unload the van and then another hour or so to put things away. My sweetie cooked us a nice meal while I supervised the cleanup. Now other than the piles of laundry we are in pretty good shape to begin the week. It will be another busy one. Sport is going to Webelos Camp in the morning and he will be gone most of the next two days. Scout and Crafty are going to Girl Scout Camp. They leave tomorrow and Scout comes home on Wednesday. Crafty will stay until Saturday. And Princess and Prima Donna are leaving for Trek on Wednesday and they won't be home until late on Saturday.

There are always so many things to do! Laundry...homework...dishes...

1 comment:

  1. We love Bryce canyon; the formations are so incredible. It amazes me all the fun adventures you have with your children. I often wonder if you ever take a breath.
    We always enjoying going to different wards when we are on trips.
