
May 30, 2013

More Baseball

It had been threatening to rain all day. Yesterday the rains cancelled Burrito's baseball game and Scout's softball game so we were watching the sky carefully, but the website still said all games were on, so at 6:10 we headed for the park.

I sat for a minute in my car while Sport warmed up with the team, then when the time was right, we headed for the field. I was smart this time. With the menacing clouds I wore my jacket with the fingerless gloves tucked in each pocket and I carried a fuzzy blanket to ward off the cool weather.

I grabbed the scorekeeper's book since that has become my unofficial job. I actually love keeping score, it helps me concentrate on the game. There were still puddles near the dugout and under the bleachers, but none on the field. Hopefully the rain would wait until the game was over.

Sport started the inning in Right Field. He typically moves around and plays every field in the outfield and occasionally third base. Coach put in the third string pitcher to begin the game. Before long he switched to our second string, but not before the damage was done. The other team had scored the maximum of 6 runs and retired the side.

Our boys were undeterred and they came back with a couple of runs when Thomas, one of Sport's best friends, smashed a home run into right field. Top of the second inning and coach wasn't messing around anymore. Down by 4, he put in our first string pitcher. He immediately struck out three batters in a row.

The Orioles gave us the same treatment and we were back out in the field. Even Sport went down with a strike-out. Somewhere along there my sweetie showed up with the camera and the sky continued to darken. Jack took down three more batters including one that dribbled the ball up the middle. Once again our boys went down 1, 2, 3.

Top of the 4th and the raindrops started falling. I hid the scorebook under my blanket, desperately trying to keep it dry and still record each ball and strike. But Jack was a pro and struck out another three in a row. Their pitcher walked a couple and we managed to pull in two more points. The score was 6 - 4 and their coach brought in a new pitcher.

The rain really started pelting us and the umpire called a five-minute break to see if it would let up. It was past 8:30 and the lights were coming on. A beautiful complete double rainbow caught everyone's attention.  I stepped into the dugout with the boys. Nobody wanted to quit, we could still win this thing!

The official called the boys back to the field. We had one out and our second batter grounded out to first on the next pitch. That made two. The third boy managed a walk and then Sport was up. The rain just wouldn't stop and we were all shivering on the bench. The Orioles coach had his outfielders doing jumping jacks to try to keep warm. None of their boys had hoodies.

Sport was up. The driving rain made truly seeing the ball impossible. He hung in there for a ball, then a strike. He sent the third pitch up the middle. On any other cold wet day it could have easily gotten by the pitcher, but not today.

Even though time hadn't expired the umpire called the game. Coach was upset, but mostly with himself I think probably for holding back that first inning. By the time Sport and I walked to the car the rain was gone. Crazy Utah weather!

And unfortunately one more painful loss.

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