
May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

I'm sure you all had an amazing Memorial Day weekend! Ours started on Saturday with my 30th high school reunion. My sweetie and I left the kids home and drove to Manti by ourselves. It was a nice quick drive in Teach's car (that thing loves to go fast!).

We arrived a few minutes early and decided to drag main until more cars showed up at the church. The banquet was nice and the program was short. It was for all of the decades from the threes...1943, 1953, etc. including my year 1983, and all the way to 2003. Then all of the classes separated for their own individual meetings. Ours happened to be at the high school in the lunchroom. Boy, the school sure has changed in 30 years! It's much bigger and everything looks different. I hardly recognized the place.

We stayed much longer than planned. It was fun to see old friends again. My two best friends were there although we don't have much in common anymore. None of my friends are living the crazy life I am. Most of them are empty-nesters just waiting for grandkids. We headed for home after 10:00 and arrived shortly before 1:00 AM. Thank goodness for a flashlight and a good book! I read us both home safely from the new books I got for Mothers' Day.

We dropped into bed and rolled out around nine. My sweetie made Belgian Waffles with fresh strawberries and whipped cream while I packed coolers and made preparations to leave right after church. Unfortunately we got out of church at 2:00 and didn't hit the road until 3:50, but it's all good.

We stopped for a few minutes at the cemetery in Nephi and placed flowers on my grandparents' grave and got back on the road. We arrived in Richfield and checked in at the Hampton just before 7:00. By 7:15 we were all relaxing in the pool. The Dog Walker bought some big blowup toys and the kids had tons of fun playing with them.

By 8:30 we were back in our rooms munching sandwiches on homemade sourdough with strawberries and banana chunks. (Yeah, for a minute we tried to be healthy!) Then the Drama Queen broke out the chocolate and a card game and we were silly and giddy for over an hour. We sent the girls to their room around 10:00 (the boys were sleeping in our room) and I read to my sweetie until after midnight. That was probably a bad idea because I never sleep well in a bed that is not my own.

We got up around 8:30 and ate their free breakfast before packing the van and hitting the road. We stopped at our family cemeteries. First Aurora, then Axtell and Centerfield where Grandma is buried. Then we went to Ephraim and visited my mom's grave. A stop in Spring City for my sweetie's grandparents' grave and we finally rolled into Mt. Pleasant.

We visited with my MIL for a bit and then we took her with us to the cemetery and my FIL's grave and another set of grandparents' and then to the park. We made a quick stop at Terrel's for doughnuts (the best in the state!) and got back on the road. The traffic in Spanish Fork Canyon was ridiculous and we got home much later than we planned, but we still had one more cemetery to visit. My sweetie's half-brother is buried in West Valley.

Then we drove to Applebees for dinner. It was a fun and extravagant ending to our wonderful weekend. What did you do?



  1. Love this new picture of you and Sweetie!

    Glad to hear y'all had a great Memorial Day Weekend! We kept things pretty chill here at our place, just soaked in the time before Chris had to head back to work. He was pretty bummed to leave Emma at home this morning when he headed in. I swear I'll post soon, my mom is here until Thursday and then I plan to use one of Emma's naps to blog all about her birth/my second stay at the hospital/and having her at home!

  2. It looks like you enjoyed your reunion. We will have our 50th class reunion next year. I truly don't feel that old. Here we are waiting for more great grandkids. Keep on enjoying those moments with your little ones.
    I was born in Richfield and my father had a far in Aurora.
    We didn't do our graves this year which I feel bad about; but I did have some family that took care of it for me.
    My Mother passed away in 2006 so she will be upset with me for not doing it this year.
