
May 2, 2013

Fending for Myself

I'm sure you will not be surprised to hear me say that I hate early mornings, especially after I have been up incredibly late helping the Dog Walker with his homework. It's finals week and life is insane. My sweetie would normally take care of me under these circumstances, but he has had early morning meetings twice already this week.

So this morning I had to fend for myself. Even though the elementary kids are off track, their band teacher expects them to show up for band M - TH. Two days each for Crafty and Sport. During January when it was snowy and cold, I let them blow off a few days, but with the concert next week, I just didn't dare let that happen this time.

So at 7:15 am, I was pulling on my shorts from last night's basketball practice (they were on the top of the pile). At 7:20 I got a text from my sweetie. It simply said, "It's snowing." I thought that was pretty funny since it is May 1, but I continued to tie my shoes and look for my keys at the same time.

Prima Donna and Sport were waiting for me when I finally slipped into my jacket and headed for the door. The first thing I saw as I pulled it open were the swirling white flakes. Really?! It's spring for crying out loud...official!

By the time I went back to pick up Sport at 8:15 there has half an inch of snow covering the lawns, sidewalks, and roofs. I didn't think to snap a pic for you then. Sorry.

Just before 10:00, I herded Crafty and Curly out the door for preschool (remember Crafty works at the preschool during her off-track time). All of the snow was melted by then except for what was left on Princess's car and some of the neighbors' rooftops.

I know I said I couldn't let Sport miss band this morning, but it sure looked like January to me!


  1. Snow in MAY? Goodness, I forgot how crazy the weather can be in Utah! We had a crazy thunder/lightning storm all night and a ton of rain... but no snow!

  2. Iowa received 11 inches of snow yesterday.
