
May 1, 2013

Another Driver

I told you already that Princess got her driver's license last week. It has been SO NICE to have another driver in the house! Of course I miss Teach and her sweet smile and willing hands while she is on her mission, but I also miss the fact that I didn't have to take the kids everywhere they wanted or needed to go.

Then along came Princess...

Tonight I took Scout to her softball game (it was SOOO cold!) and I kept score. That meant my right hand had to be outside my jacket holding a pencil. Normally I have a pair of fingerless gloves to keep them warm, but today I forgot to bring them. My hand was so cold I kept dropping the pencil. Then when we were finally in the car I tried to warm them up by the heater and they were tingling so badly I could hardly drive.

But I digress...

Curly and I went to the library this morning after his dance class and as we were leaving, he happened to notice a sign for the Family Lego night. Since I was locked into the softball game by virtue of my commitment to keep score, I was sad to inform him that I would not be able to take him back to the library later that evening for all the fun.

That's when it hit me. Princess was perfectly capable of taking Curly and Baby Doll to the library while she was tending them tonight. I told him to ask her and his happy smile quickly returned. He was pretty good at getting Princess to do things for him.

And she did.

Curly loved Lego night! Next time maybe we will switch and I'll send Princess to the park with Scout while I stay inside the nice warm library and take cute little pics like these.

There's only one problem...

Princess doesn't know how to keep score.


  1. Hey, so they hit the ball and the guys ran around these plate things a couple of times....I think....

    Yeah, me and Princess would get along just fine!

  2. I have to chuckle on this one. I loved it when my children became old enough to drive. I loved that they could run the errands. Now I am back to doing them all on my own. I loved your story today.
    Blessings and hugs!
