
Mar 14, 2013

Until Tomorrow

I know you were all waiting anxiously to see my link from the interview at KSL today. I'm sad to say that it didn't happen....yet.

My sweetie took the day off so he could drive me downtown and spoil me a little by taking me to the interview and to lunch. I was a bit nervous so we left early and found ourselves 45 minutes ahead of schedule. We drove over to the Sonic so we could get a drink and he could grill me on various blog questions.

After about 20 minutes of that we decided it was time to drive to the TV station. It was 12:15 when we pulled into a visitor's slot below the Triad building. I was supposed to be there at 12:30 so that felt just perfect. Everything was going as planned. We took the elevator to the first floor and a guard let us through to visit with the receptionist.

Within 30 seconds we were approached by someone with a very apologetic look on his face. That was the first moment we knew things were going to change. He said that all programming had been cancelled so of course I had to ask him why. He said that NBC was broadcasting the new Pope and could I please come back tomorrow for the interview.

Of course I said "Yes" right away! It wasn't his fault that everything was going crazy there. In fact, I was probably the least of his problems.

So hang in there, as soon as the interview is available I will put up the link.

Unless I say something dumb, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer, I WAS anxiously waiting for this clip! I suppose one more day won't hurt, right??
