
Mar 15, 2013

Raise Your Hand

Everybody who was on TV today and totally blew their interview, raise your hand!

Really? I'm the only one?

Remember yesterday when I told you I wouldn't put a link up if I said anything dumb? Do you see a link?

But seriously, It's after 1:00 AM and I've been waiting all day to see if they post the interview on their website. So far they have not. I guess that means one of two things, either they thought I did such a bad job they are NEVER going to post it or it just takes them a while to get things on their website.

I'm going with the second plan. Hopefully I can put it up for your tomorrow.

Not to change the subject, but Princess spent the entire afternoon and evening making cookies for Teach's big party on Sunday. I can't believe the weekend is nearly here. I still have so much to do! We are expecting to see about 100 people at the house after she speaks at church. She is such an amazing person that she has tons of friends and we have a large extended family. A typical family gathering for us includes 40 - 50 and that doesn't count any friends.

My sweetie is planning to make a big pot of chili for those who want real food and we will set out literally hundreds of cookies to feed those who are just looking for a sweet treat. I've had family and neighbors offering to help and that makes it much easier.

I've got a shopping trip to plan for tomorrow afternoon and a whole week's worth of laundry to fold. But right now I'd better get to bed since I have to get up for the Grandparents' Program in the morning. Taco would never forgive me for missing that!

Remember when I missed the last one for Taco? Yeah, I was in the hospital that morning having Baby Doll.

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