
Mar 10, 2013

Exactly 10 Days

I probably don't need to remind you that Teach is leaving on her mission exactly 10 days from today. Her farewell is next weekend and we will have tons of friends and family here to celebrate with us, so I told all the kids that I wanted to have some family time this weekend.

It's always difficult to plan around everybody's schedules, so this is what we got. We took all the little kids out to Lowes so they could make Monster Jam Dalmation Monster Cars. Bossy met us there with her boys, but then they headed their way and we went ours.

We met up again after lunch. She and the girls had planned a craft project that ended up taking pretty much all day because each and every child wanted one of their own. I wish they could take the credit for this cute idea, but it is one they found on Pinterest and then modified to what they wanted.

After Gamer returned from work and the girls finished their rehearsal for the ballet, we headed for the church. We had an exciting game of family dodgeball. We had a great time except for some of the little ones who just kept crying...go figure. I don't know, the balls weren't hard, so they weren't hurt, but some of them just couldn't stand to get out.

 After an hour or so we all drove to Mt. Mikes for pizza. Then we drove over for a 10-minute walk through Asian City just to make the Dog Walker happy. My sweetie bought these coconut rice cookies but they tasted so bad none of the kids would eat them so we had to open a package of chocolate chip cookies just to get the taste out of our mouths!

We spent the rest of the evening watching Planet Earth for the Dog Walker's meteorology class while Bossy and Drama Queen finished their wreaths. Princess and Prima Donna took off for the stake dance, the boys played with Legos and my sweetie and I cleaned all the debris out from under the furniture in the family room. (So next Sunday when the crowds are here if somebody happens to move a couch, we won't be totally embarrassed...yeah, right!)

We have big plans for tomorrow too. After church Bossy is staging her annual Easter Egg Hunt in the front yard, and then we will all sit down for our last complete family dinner for the next 18 months. My heart is breaking, partly because I'm so sad to be losing her and partly because I am so proud of her. We will miss her so much! But I can't think of anywhere I would rather have her, not even here with us.


  1. I'm sorry that I was so negative there. That I was so angry at dodgeball and feeling sad at Mt. Mike's.

  2. What as family you all are, and an outstanding Mother and Father..If more people treated their precious children the way you do you family the juvenile justice system and foster parents would not be needed at all!!!!!!!!!!! I know you are upset your sweet angel of a daughter is embarking on 18 months on a mission for your church but God will guide and protect her, the time will fly right by and she will be back in your loving arms and your husband too before you know it..I am praying that the mission and your daughter is God filled and that she will be back soon.God Bless your daughter and your entire family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I meant to say WHAT AN OUTSTANDING FAMILY AND MOTHER AND FATHER..WOW WHEE.....If more people loved, cared for and really had a family unit our country would be so much better..God's blessings to you and your husband and your entire family..Your daughter will be truly blessed for her love of her faith & God!!!!!!!!!!!11
