
Jan 2, 2013

New Year's Resolution

When I was a kid, I used to set goals every year. I loved crossing things off a list and feeling that sense of accomplishment. But as I have gotten older, I feel less and less inclined to write things down. Too much pressure!

Remember my summer list?

My sweetie thinks the only way we get anything accomplished around here is if we write it down. We usually spend an hour or so evaluating our accomplishments for the previous year and planning things for the new year. Like last year, we only had a few things on the list (we've long since given up on the lose weight, exercise more, eat the right stuff...too hard!) we wanted to get the roof reshingled, take our dream vacation with the kids, and help Princess earn her Girl Scout Gold Award.

And we did accomplish all of those things!

Our goals for 2013 are simple. We want to help Teach get out on her mission for our church (her papers are in now, by the way, and her call should come in the next few days). We want to help the Dog Walker finish his first year of college and then get ready for a mission of his own.

For Scout goals we want to help Prima Donna earn her Gold Award and Crafty earn her Silver Award. We each have our own plans for keeping the Cub Scouts and the Girl Scouts happy, my sweetie in his Pack and me in our Troop. We plan to do all the stuff we usually do, homework, housework, church activities, sports, dance, etc. etc etc.

Activities stay the same, only the faces change.
I think it's interesting that my life seems to follow one grand pattern. Januaries have been the same for the last 10 or 15 years... basketball, Girl Scout cookies, and snow. Trying to find places for all the new Christmas loot and discarding used and broken clothes and toys. Other months are pretty much the same.

Maybe my resolution should be to break the pattern and try something new...


  1. Maybe do a new tradition on birthdays? Like making sugar-free birthday cakes and eatting sugar-free ice cream with it? I thought it's the best idea to try to lay off on sugar for a year.

  2. Do you and your Sweetie have plans when all your kids have flown the coop?????????????????????? You seem to live for your kids how about your Sweetie and you????? just wondering...happy happy 2013 may your health and happiness and peacefulness be in abundance!

  3. Did you say GIRL SCOUT COOKIES?!?!?!? My favorite time of the year!!!! You just made my day, I can't wait to get my fingers on some thin mints and samoas! During my first trimester I couldn't eat sweets, but now baby girl is LOVING her some chocolate!

  4. Okay Nate, for your birthday we will all eat cardboard. I am having real cake and real ice cream. Mom, you did something new, you started working out at Curves. And you switched from JCP to Curves. And two years ago you successfully started a blog. I think a new year with your first missionaries is also a big change. Things change, soon it will be just watching Babydoll grow up and get in school.

  5. I like your children goals. I remember doing this also. I am afraid my goals are the same every year. This year I am not writing them down. After many years I do know what they are. I always go forward on a few of them; but never accomplish all of them.
    It is fun to just think about starting a new.
    Blessings to you all and hugs too!
