
Jan 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

We planned a New Year's Eve party with the kids, but it turned out that about half of them went missing.  Bossy showed up with her family just in time to help toss the dough for the homemade pizzas. I wish I would have thought to take her picture, but it was pretty entertaining watching her toss the dough. I've never been talented enough for that.

My sweetie made enough dough that we also got breadsticks which are my personal favorite. We put in a movie for the kids while we were making dinner, but by the time the food was done, the Gym Rat and Drama Queen had taken off for separate parties. Prima Donna and Princess both left for the stake dance, and Teach left shortly after dinner for the institute dance. The Dog Walker decided he would rather stay with us and celebrate.

He was very excited because our after-dinner plans included a karaoke party! It was his major gift for Christmas but we hadn't really had a chance to play with it yet. My sweetie took a few minutes to hook it up to some real speakers and then we all took turns singing. My favorite part was when he sang "Pretty Woman" to me. I snapped you a cell pic.

After the adults sang a few songs we set up a game of pinochle and let the little kids sing. They had so much fun! We watched the ball drop on Times Square and then we all wrapped up in our coats and went out on the porch to watch Bossy and Gamer light off two aerial fireworks my sweetie had picked up at the grocery store. They were actually much better than I was expecting.

The Dog Walker had also bought several cans of Silly String and the kids had a great time spraying each other. Fortunately for me, I was busy looking for the lighter so I didn't have to pick that slimy stuff out of my own hair.

Before bedding down for the night we put out our shoes for one last little gift from Baby New Year.

How did you celebrate at your house?


  1. Happy New Year!
    It sounds like you had a good New Year's Eve!

  2. Sounds like a nice evening. I do love pizza and the karaoke sounds like fun! Hard to keep them all home as they grow up.
    Happy New Year....

  3. Baby New Year leaves you gifts? I need to learn about this!
