
Jan 5, 2013

An Awesome Day

It has been a good day.

Our grandson, Skyler (alias Taco) was baptized into our church today by the Dog Walker. It was the first time the Dog Walker has ever performed a baptism and he was nervous. In our church, boys can actually baptize someone as soon as they turn 16, but I've always wanted my sweetie to baptize all of our own children so the situation has never come up.

The Dog Walker was nervous! Grandpa came by a few days ago and helped him practice. He even loaned him his lucky white tie, but it wasn't like a magic feather, he was still worried. But my sweetie assured him that the prayer was always the same and it was placed on the wall so he didn't have to memorize it, he could just read it and then slide Taco gently under the water. And, of course, remember to pull him back up again!

There were four boys being baptized today and our group of two was last. Somewhere during that time frame, it became obvious that the prayer was NOT posted on the wall of the font. The Dog Walker was suddenly petrified. My sweetie pulled out his Kindle and looked up the prayer and went over it with him a few times, but he was still not remembering.

Right before he and Taco entered the font, the guy in charge came in with a piece of paper in his hand. He casually taped it right to the glass of the font where the Dog Walker could see it. The Dog Walker heaved a sigh of relief and linked up his hands with Taco's. It took him a minute to get it all right and then he put up his hand. He shut his eyes for a moment and then opened them again, took a deep breath and read the prayer.

He pushed Taco into the water and then pulled him back up. A quick nod and a smile from my sweetie and Grandpa indicated that the witnesses agreed it had been done properly.

Yeah, it was definitely a good day.


  1. Taco and The Dog Walker will always remember this day! What a special experience that dog walker got to baptize him! Way to go, Nate!

  2. Now that was a very special day for both of them :)

  3. What a sweet post that will always be a great memory. I am sure you all enjoyed this precious moments.
    Blessings to you all!

  4. How awesome! What a special occasion and what a great experience for Dog Walker too
