
Jan 6, 2013

A Milestone

Today was a major milestone for me.

You probably didn't even notice. My kids didn't, nor did my sweetie. That is until I announced it at dinner. I have been watching the numbers tick by for the last few days realizing I was close, but early this morning my blog hit the 200,000 mark!

I am humbled and thrilled that so many of you think I have anything that interesting to read. I have several neighbors who are always saying, "Sandy, you should just write a book." But I'm thinking it's more fun to blog. Books take years and years to write and send through publishing and unless you are Stephanie Meyer or JK Rowling, they end up in the Clearance Bin (which is where I would be looking for them!).

With a blog I get immediate feedback and a circle of friends that I could have never imagined. Thanks so much for being here for me.

Now let's get started on the next hundred thousand...