
Jan 21, 2013

A Major Award

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I won a major blog prize? It has been so fun to see the packages come in the mail! I got a beautiful black infinity scarf first, then came a fuzzy blue scarf and the cool tote bag. The MOM in Two Weeks software became available for me online and I took a bit to play around with that. Then I got a big box in the mail that read, "Live Plants! Open Immediately!"

It was a kit to build a terrarium from the Slice of Life. The kids were so excited! I stopped by Hobby Lobby on Saturday and bought a glass container and today after church, my sweetie helped the kids to build it. They had so much fun putting in the dirt and rocks and plants and moss. I'll just leave you to see it all in pictures. Thanks for the amazing prizes!


  1. They did a great job! Congratulations on the award and all the gifts! Woohoo!

  2. I love that picture. It's so them.
